NEW Poem: "To Know Freedom" By: Kimberly B. Brown

  • The Chronicles of Ms. Brown
  • vapelove
NEW Poem: "To Know Freedom" By: Kimberly B. Brown

Spark a flame, and sing hymns to burn away the doubt of yesterday, for paradise awaits you in the newness of life, move along in a way that releases fear, it's your calling to let go, who you've become is the beauty of what you are, the past life was a test true love will you know in time, you are no longer charged with healing the broken pieces of others, you yourself must be whole, 



kiss the sky as you hold hands with destiny, those who claim to know where you stand will hear your voice loud and clear, you owe it to yourself all the signs which happiness reveals,  before you were just a species floating on a land not your own,



now a palace has planned your entrance, running under rays of sun where perfection is a spell, imperfection in all beauty you stand still, to see no more tears, feel no more pain, to be one and whole, we are born again, to know FREEDOM

NEW Poem: "To Know Freedom" By: Kimberly B. Brown
NEW Poem: "To Know Freedom" By: Kimberly B. Brown
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